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Su Garden

Direction, Production & Editing

Due to the development of science and technology and the epidemic's impact, modern people are yearning for nature. People are more willing to choose natural fabrics and comfortable touch in clothing. As a starting point, I took Suzhou garden as a direction and put the characteristics of Suzhou garden into clothes. Suzhou gardens are an architectural style that I have often seen in my hometown. Its architectural concept is the unity of nature and humans. It is in line with the ideology that people are pursuing today. From this, my theme started with Suzhou gardens.

As a southern Chinese, the image of gardens has been familiar since childhood.

When I was a child, I often came to Suzhou gardens to play. All kinds of plants and strange-shaped stones could attract my attention. I was also impressed by the pavilions and buildings in the garden. The memory of being in the garden became one of the best memories of my childhood. That is why I want to express the characteristics of Suzhou gardens with clothes so that more people can understand and like Suzhou gardens.

The colors in the garden that impress me the most are from various trees and flowers. I wanted to bring the colors of these plants to the fabric. Instead of picking live materials, I created fabric swatches specific to the theme. Natural dyeing became an essential part of my design, and I used traditional Chinese medicine as fuel. I tried over a dozen different herbs, each individually dyed to test their effects. Because in my childhood memory, all kinds of Chinese medicine have brought me many impressions.

Finally, the selected materials are spread on the cloth so that the different materials can release their colors. Their colors form a unique pattern, just like Chinese landscape paintings. This uncertainty has also become the charm of natural dyeing. I hope that consumers can also feel the characteristics of natural dyeing when wearing these prints. At the same time, it can also make them feel the charm of natural colors more.

I learned about gardens' architectural principles and development in my continuing research on Suzhou gardens. Among them, the concept of the unity of nature and humans and the harmony between man and nature reminds me of the similar thought of Japanese architect Tadao Ando. They all pay attention to the inner relationship between people, nature, and architecture. I made collages of his famous architectural works and tried to incorporate the idea of architecture into the clothing. I wanted to make my whole work more architecturally three-dimensional. Let my client feel that he is not just wearing a piece of clothing, but more like a piece of clothing that can be associated with architecture.

I want to make some clothes that are beautiful and hope that people can learn about different cultures and knowledge through these clothes. Hopefully, these clothes will appeal to customers who love shopping for designer brands and are willing to step outside the box and experiment with fun silhouettes and details. I believe that men who love traditional Chinese aesthetics and are passionate about handmade products and natural dyeing will be interested in my work. I hope Let more customers learn about Chinese traditional culture and bring them more experience in traditional Chinese clothes making.

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